Web Design Tips For E-Commerce Sites

Web design plays a vital role in creating a successful e-commerce site. The best product in the world can be easily forgotten if the design is not there to support the presentation.

Color inspires emotion

Simple and clear colors allow a pleasant user experience.

Colors had a psychological impact on sales long before the digital revolution. By understanding the different types of emotions that colors can invoke, you can design your e-commerce site to suit certain feelings and vibrations.

Depending on the product and the target audience, you can use color to invoke certain feelings. For example, if your store sells environmental products or produces, the color green will complete the sense of nature.

Consistency matters

Users remember the design of your brand, not because of an attractive name, but because of the overall brand image you present. When it comes to web design, it’s all about how you structure your pages.

Do you use the same fonts and colors on all pages? Powerful fonts can inspire a memorable experience in the minds of users.

In addition, if you use a variety of different colors on multiple pages, you risk coming out as a multi-varied brand.

As a result, if you want to be recognized and remembered, it is imperative that you focus on using similarities in your design patterns. Even if your product has a lot of branches, designing pages with similarities in mind only creates a stronger brand presence.

Experiment urgently

Urgency is mainly based on exclusive offers and offers. As seen in the photo above, Bestbuy uses the top of the home page to highlight irresistible offers. But are there other ways to promote a sense of urgency?

One of the biggest reasons why customers abandon their shopping cart is high shipping prices . Thus, this creates an opportunity to capitalize by offering special offers on transport costs.

This is also a tactic that brands like Bestbuy use. And Amazon is known for its Prime service. Received users receive free shipping on almost all products exclusively. You can also encourage users to spend a certain amount on your store and get a free shipping fee in return.

Another form of emergency is to limit the stock available for a particular product.

Here’s a nice holiday-based crewneck sweatshirt. The offer comes with free delivery from the US, but is only available for a certain period. This is an example of the urgency used in the design of e-commerce stores.

Can you think of other ways to promote urgency? We would love to hear your thoughts and success stories.

Clear and beautiful photos

There is a lot of data to support the claim that high quality, relevant and visually appealing images help increase conversion rates. And we’re not just talking about product images.

The images you use in your overall design can have a huge impact on capturing users’ attention.

A great photo instigates emotion, creates a sense of identity and is easy to remember. An ordinary person can remember up to 2,000 images with almost perfect accuracy.

That being said, products will only be sold if there are photos to back up for product design. It is essential to make the owner of the e-commerce store do your best to capture the essence of the product through high quality photos.

Sites like Pexels and Unsplash are known for providing stunning, unlicensed photos.

Become the customer

Web design has two parts, professional and subjective. The professional side has everything to do with respecting the UX and UI trends when structuring a design.

The subjective side requires you to step back and look at your design from a customer’s point of view. A site visitor, if you will.

  • What do you think about the overall look of the design?
  • Can you find the information you are requesting quickly?
  • Does navigation make sense?
  • Is the product description loud and clear?
  • How fast can you get to the checkout page?

By answering these questions, you may notice any inconsistencies that need to be addressed.